Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Character Design + Theory

"Character Design is the combination of physical traits and (narrative)."
- Narrative/Storyline defines personality, gives context (genre, location, setting) therefore has to feed into look and design of the character.

1) The face is the primary channel to express emotion.
- a reason for the many large needed characters.
2) A lot can be said with posture and body language
- This allows for personality traits i be identifiable in silhouette.
3) Solarski - states that how a character carries their physical weight can tell us about their personality - which body part they lead with is important.
3) Theories of Solarski:
- Leads with their chest - Hero.
- Leads with their pelvis - Laid back/Lazy.
- Leads with head - Intelligent.
- Leads with Knees - Coward
4) Cuddy: 
Power and dominance revolves around expanding. 
- Power: Expand - takes up space. 
- Weakness: cover up make yourself small.

Leads with head:
Name of Character: Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Traits: Hero, Smart, Robber, Agile.

Leads with Pelvis:
Name of Character: Barney (Simpsons)
Traits: Lazy, Drunk.

Leads with head:
Name of Character: Roadrunner (Roadrunner)
Traits: Fast, Clever.

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